
Financial Data

Consolidated Financial Statements

Millons of yen, rounded down

  FY2019/3 FY2020/3 FY2021/3 FY2022/3 FY2023/3
Current assets
Cash and deposits 12,992 42,909 34,572 35,005 32,167
Notes and accounts receivable - trade 39,736 29,718 30,449
Notes 750 715
Accounts receivable - trade 31,832 36,405
Securities 42,760 30,653 38,899 23,999 23,352
Inventories 11,309 11,205 14,694 18,001
Other 5,067 5,219 4,868 5,588 6,439
Allowance for doubtful accounts (8) (7) (5) (6) (110)
Total current assets 111,858 119,699 123,477 115,171 98,970
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 72,552 71,718 77,280 82,979 101,533
 Buildings and structures 28,883 27,983 29,964 34,020 34,574
 Machinery, equipment and vehicles 29,811 29,604 31,619 33,824 31,758
 Land 11,391 11,270 11,554 11,977 16,330
 Leased assets 228 446 403 458 480
 Construction in progress 1,224 1,508 2,489 1,255 16,796
 Other 1,012 905 1,248 1,442 1,593
Intangible assets 7,704 13,034 26,497 26,079 25,932
 Goodwill 5,688 10,953 24,518 23,550 23,222
 Other 2,016 2,080 1,978 2,529 2,709
Investments and other assets 10,634 10,515 11,723 12,368 12,658
 Investment securities 2,222 1,744 1,984 2,408 2,597
 Long-term loans receivable 240 180 100 100
 Deferred tax assets 4,421 4,826 5,352 5,178 4,955
 Retirement benefit asset 2,111 2,061 2,549 2,895 3,434
 Other 1,697 1,703 1,838 1,785 1,572
 Allowance for doubtful accounts (59) (1) (0) (1) (1)
Total non-current assets 90,891 95,267 115,501 121,427 140,124
Total assets 202,750 214,967 238,978 236,598 239,095
Current liabilities
Notes and accounts payable - trade 8,987 9,889 10,160 11,849 13,553
Short-term loans payable 1,027 871 2,616 1,447 1,290
Current portion of long-term loans payable 298
Lease obligations 104 134 100 160 156
Accounts payable - other 5,878 7,301 7,649 8,229 8,441
Income taxes payable 5,478 4,657 5,153 4,242 3,702
Provision for bonuses 4,004 4,581 4,916 4,625 5,398
Provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers) 67 119 116 93 99
Provision for stocks payment 35 83 88 45 37
Other 8,459 8,995 11,484 11,565 12,983
Total current liabilities 34,043 36,633 42,585 42,259 45,663
Non-current liabilities
Long-term loans payable 3,166
Lease obligations 111 325 383 375 403
Deferred tax liabilities 622 367 793 906 1,287
Provisions for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers) 286 330 358 334 323
Provision for management board incentive plan trust 92 172 265 323 297
Retirement benefit liability 6,531 6,908 7,846 8,049 7,523
Asset retirement obligations 522 527 749 749 748
Other 49 70 89 142 163
Total non-current liabilities 8,216 8,701 13,652 10,881 10,745
Total liabilities 42,260 45,334 56,238 53,140 56,408
Net assets
Shareholders' equity
Capital stock 12,044 12,046 12,046 12,046 12,046
Capital surplus 4,786 4,779 4,777 3,232 3,242
Retained earnings 137,453 148,565 159,551 170,284 178,329
Treasury shares (981) (933) (1,045) (12,959) (24,886)
Total shareholders' equity 153,303 164,457 175,329 172,604 168,730
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Valuation difference on available-for-sales securities 467 129 300 436 488
Foreign currency translation adjustment 278 (833) 562 3,232 5,225
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (119) (511) (822) (893) (332)
Total accumulated other comprehensive income 627 (1,215) 39 2,775 5,381
Share acquisition rights 3
Non-controlling interests 6,555 6,390 7,371 8,078 8,574
Total net assets 160,490 169,632 182,740 183,458 182,686
Total liabilities and net assets 202,750 214,967 238,978 236,598 239,095

Millons of yen, rounded down

  FY2019/3 FY2020/3 FY2021/3 FY2022/3 FY2023/3
Net sales 248,655 255,938 266,745 245,419 279,315
Cost of sales 137,534 140,852 148,935 161,465 189,115
Gross profit 111,120 115,086 117,810 83,954 90,200
Selling, general and administrative expenses 84,156 87,422 90,746 58,818 67,967
Operating profit 26,964 27,664 27,064 25,135 22,233
Non-operating income
 Interest income 117 112 89 84 140
 Dividend income 44 42 42 39 39
 Share of profit of entities accounted for using equity method 1 11 39 19 25
 Foreign exchange gains 406 452 1,712 1,125
 Other 281 434 305 242 263
Total non-operating income 852 600 928 2,098 1,594
Non-operating expenses
 Interest expenses 71 90 100 99 162
 Share of loss of entities accounted for using equity method 10 2 143 1
 Foreign exchange losses 445
 Other 302 336 226 195 202
Total non-operating expenses 384 873 470 295 366
Ordinary profit 27,432 27,391 27,522 26,938 23,460
Extraordinary income
 Gain on sales of non-current assets 36 9 14 6 14
 Gain on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates 2,378
 Gain on sales of investment securities 52 1 62 69 54
 Other 586 418 554 467 267
Total extraordinary income 3,053 429 631 542 336
Extraordinary losses
 Loss on sales of non-current assets 16 50 57 23 35
 Loss on retirement of non-current assets 263 221 559 407 491
 Impairment loss 839 1,639 610
 Loss on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates 24
 Other 871 165 1,155 302 18
Total extraordinary losses 2,016 2,077 1,771 733 1,155
Profit before income taxes 28,469 25,743 26,381 26,748 22,641
Income taxes - current 9,481 8,925 8,248 8,024 7,451
Income taxes - deferred (387) (394) 67 445 216
Profit 19,375 17,212 18,065 18,277 14,973
Loss attributable to non-controlling interests (53) (327) 383 224 201
Profit attributable to owners of parent 19,429 17,539 17,682 18,053 14,772

Millons of yen, rounded down

  FY2019/3 FY2020/3 FY2021/3 FY2022/3 FY2023/3
Cash flows from operating activities          
Profit before income taxes 28,469 25,743 26,381 26,748 22,641
Depreciation 8,023 8,449 9,051 9,189 10,047
Impairment loss 839 1,639 610
Amortization of goodwill 758 714 1,753 1,819 1,979
Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts (14) (57) (13) 1 86
Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses 285 578 315 (298) 763
Increase (decrease) in provision for directors’ bonuses (32) 56 (9) (26) 6
Increase (decrease) in provision for stocks payment 33 88 83 44 40
Increase (decrease) in provision for management board incentive plan trust 87 92 58 (3)
Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability 49 (111) 30 (27) (20)
Decrease (increase) in net defined benefit asset 5 2 (52) (229)
Increase (decrease) in provision for directors’ retirement benefits (146) 43 27 (23) (256)
Interest and dividend income (162) (154) (131) (123) (11)
Interest expenses 71 90 100 99 (179)
Foreign exchange losses (gains) (223) 319 (26) (2,013) 162
Subsidy income (106) (277) (150) (67) (1,341)
Gain on liquidation of business (477)
Gain on liquidation of business (174) (58)
Share of loss (profit) of entities accounted for using equity method 8 (9) 104 (19) (23)
Loss (gain) on sales of investment securities (2,405) (1) (61) (60) (54)
Loss (gain) on valuation of investment securities 18 29 76
Loss (gain) on sales of non-current assets (20) 41 43 17 21
Loss on retirement of non-current assets 263 221 559 407 491
Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable - trade 914 10,092 476 (1,221) (3,987)
Decrease (increase) in inventories (504) 194 (2,026) (2,780) (4,915)
Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable - trade (528) 907 (253) 1,002 1,213
Increase (decrease) in accounts receivable - other 106 (111) 53 54 116
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable - other 177 682 566 (114) (353)
Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption taxes (402) (268) (114) 19 388
Other, net 1,779 614 1,899 (1,282) 111
Subtotal 36,760 49,592 38,555 31,248 27,473
Interest and dividend income received 149 154 131 120 189
Interest expenses paid (71) (88) (108) (106) (169)
Income taxes paid (9,218) (9,209) (8,128) (8,934) (8,182)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 27,620 40,449 30,450 22,327 19,310
Cash flows from investing activities          
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (9,390) (8,392) (10,715) (12,491) (25,750)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 235 109 17 15 12
Purchase of intangible assets (555) (612) (626) (1,024) (966)
Proceeds from sales of intangible assets 0
Purchase of securities (39,425) (55,035) (44,896) (26,998) (13,998)
Proceeds from redemption of securities 23,826 57,335 36,182 43,900 23,000
Purchase of investment securities (45) (15) (187) (435) (209)
Proceeds from sales of investment securities 93 5 121 218 248
Payments of loans receivable (980) (700) (700) (100)
Collection of loans receivable 2,378 800 1,460 180 78
Payments into time deposits (730) (2,253) (968) (925) (5,243)
Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits 355 2,336 1,318 922 3,713
Payments for guarantee deposits (89) (99) (84) (54) (86)
Proceeds from collection of guarantee deposits 128 89 56 382 71
Purchase of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation (7,351) (7,305) (13,194) (1,555)
Payments for sales of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation (460)
Proceeds from sales of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation 3,169
Proceeds from subsidy income 106 277 150 52 58
Other, net 387 (2) (3) 2 296
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (28,347) (13,462) (32,069) 3,643 (20,329)
Cash flows from financing activities          
Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings (509) (11) (490) (1,300) (235)
Repayment of long-term borrowings (298) (3,465) (535)
Purchase of treasury shares (0) (191) (12,000) (11,999)
Proceeds from exercise of share options 18 3
Proceeds from share issuance to non-controlling shareholders 323 139 461 (201)
Cash dividends paid (5,621) (6,425) (6,693) (6,692) (6,723)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (10) (11) (12) (222) 445
Repayments of lease obligations (104) (156) (87) (67) (754)
Payments from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in change in scope of consolidation (1,882) 0
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (6,227) (6,278) (7,635) (25,168) (20,004)

Effect of exchange rate change on cash and

cash equivalents
184 (390) 793 1,585 1,645
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (6,769) 20,317 (8,460) 2,388 (19,378)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 42,195 35,425 55,742 47,282 49,670
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 35,425 55,742 47,282 49,670 30,292
To Pagetop